Building inclusive leaders
About the 360 ILC
The 360 ILC is a statistically validated, multi-rater feedback tool that measures inclusive leadership effectiveness and identifies everyday actions to support behavioral change
Grounded in our data-driven Inclusive Leadership Compass framework™, the 360 ILC offers a new and powerful individualized learning experience for leaders. The 360 ILC can be combined with our other solutions for frontline managers and individual contributors, providing a whole-of-organization approach to developing inclusive capability.
Why build inclusive leadership capability?
It is now widely accepted that an inclusive culture is critical for thriving teams, organizations, and societies. Achieving this goal requires leaders who role model inclusion. But research shows that:

When it comes to inclusive leadership, many leaders are unclear of the behaviors that matter.
While the language of “inclusive leadership” is now widely used, its meaning is less well understood, with many leaders not confident in their understanding of the day-to-day behaviors that are important.

Many leaders aren’t good at judging how inclusive they are - particularly those less capable.
Only 1/3 of leaders accurately judge their inclusive capability, with the least inclusive leaders more likely to overestimate their effectiveness.
“To create and sustain a culture of inclusion, leaders must have a shared awareness of what it means to lead inclusively. They also need to understand their inclusive leadership shadow by gathering feedback from different people around them. Armed with this knowledge and insight, leaders can leverage their strengths and address their gaps, moving themselves, their teams and their organizations toward true inclusion.”
– Navigating Inclusion as a Leader: Introducing the Inclusive Leadership Compass
The 360 ILC provides the following benefits at both an individual leader and group level:

Leaders understand what inclusive leadership means and the behaviors that matter.

Leaders have insight into their inclusive leadership impact i.e. how inclusive others experience them to be.

Our 80 Acts of Inclusion™ helps leaders commit to everyday actions to lead more inclusively.

Group-wide leadership development needs can be identified, and progress quantifiably measured over time.

Our flexible debrief options and certification program allow the 360 ILC to be scaled across your organization.

Tailored Learning Journey
The 360 ILC can be seamlessly integrated with other development programs, such as our Foundations workshop and other Inclusive Leadership Learning Modules, providing a powerful and customized learning journey.
The Inclusive Leadership Compass framework™
The 360 ILC is grounded in the Inclusive Leadership Compass framework™ – a data-driven model that resonates strongly with leaders.
Key Attributes of the 360 ILC

Development Focused
Has been designed for developmental purposes, providing a safe and confidential way for leaders to understand and build their inclusive capability.

Evidence-based Framework
Is grounded in the statistically robust and theoretically sound model of inclusive leadership that resonates strongly with leaders.

Broad Applicability
Is suitable for the CEO and executive members through to other leaders across the organization.

Multi-source Feedback
Collects feedback from multiple perspectives including a leader’s direct reports, manager, peers and other colleagues and contrasts these to the leader’s own self-perception.

Action-oriented Insights
Each participating leader receives their own individualized feedback report, which is supplemented by our 80 Acts of Inclusion™ to help translate the insights into concrete action.

Our debrief options and internal certification program enable the 360 ILC to be administered at scale.

Data-driven Group Development
Group reporting allows stakeholders to pinpoint the common development areas for a specific leadership group.

Comprehensive Learning Journey
The 360 ILC can be integrated with other development interventions – such as our Learning Modules – creating a powerful leadership experience.

Secure Platform
The 360 ILC platform is ISO 27001 certified; the global, best practice standard for data security.